Wednesday, 4 September 2013


This term my school has been performing speeches to the class and learning centres about there chosen topic. I wrote my speech on how bad fast food is and I succeeded through to the school finals in one week I am really nervous because I will be speaking in front of hundreds of people but i'm also really excited. I will post after I do my speech on Friday :)

Devon Intermediate Sports Exchange!

This week I was privileged to participate in the Devon sports exchange that happens, every year either Mokoia or  Devon Intermediate travels down to each others schools to challenge each other in a sports fixture to win/defend the Richard Thompson trophy. About 60 students come down to play there desired sport, because there were approximately 60 students 60 lucky Mokoia Students (I was one of them) were able to billet a Devon Student. I billeted a lovely girl called Madde she was awesome! She was really interested in horses so she rode my pony called Kaia and she loved it :) I really enjoyed billeting and it was an amazing experiance and skill to have learned. I am in the Year 8 A Netball Team and we won against Devon 34/8 and all the rest of the Mokoia Teams won except the rugby so overall Mokoia Intermedieate defended the trophy. YAY YAY YAY!!! So in conclusion the Devon and Mokoia sports exchange/fixture was an AMAZING experience and I hope I can do it again one day in the future :)